
Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday "Foto" Funny

One of my favorite blogs, girltalk (C.J. Mahaney's wife and daughters' blog), does something every Friday called "Friday Funnies." They include jokes, pictures, etc. So I am not being incredibly original in this post as I am stealing their idea and tweaking it a bit.

I couldn't help but laugh when I looked over and saw this last night:

That's right, my husband had on grandpa socks! To his credit (and so he doesn't lose cool points..he normally wears short, athletic socks). So this might not make anyone laugh but me, but here it is..your Friday "Foto" Funny!

1 comment:

  1. haha, what a nerd with those grandpa socks! ;)

    Btw, you and Steph both have made cool font on your photos and I wanna learn how! How do you do it? Surely it's a Mac thing right?

    Looking forward to helping you win the comment contest, Char!



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