
Sunday, December 13, 2009


Have you ever walked into a room and just felt overwhelmed by the warmth and light of the room? I have and I LOVE it. Ambiance and lighting are two things that I love. Like a great coffee shop. Comfortable. Warm. Calm...ah, welcoming...

These past couple of weeks have just been hectic and busy! So on Friday night Jason and I had some downtime and created an ambiance of warmth and relaxation. We put on our comfy clothes, got a fire going, turned the tree lights on, and watched a quality movie (Up, and I cried...I hardly ever cry in was precious..I recommend it!). It was perfectly toasty and winter-y. So great.

Threw that last one in here because it makes me smile :) Take a look at that mug, oh husband.

We also took a ride by a decked out house in our neighborhood. Love their Christmas cheer. When you drive by you can turn your radio to the station they have posted and the lights play to the music--it's a neat experience..I'm a fan!
Isn't light great? It's easy to notice the light at Christmastime..but so important to remember it every day. There are tons of verses in the Bible about light. It's true..God created light for a reason...and HE is the light. The light of the world. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love a good fire, movie, comfy clothes and down time! Glad you got to relax and enjoy the ambiance :)


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