
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Friday Night Fun

Last night I had some of my awesome Sunday School girls over (woop, woop 9th grade girls..and Katy) for cookies, making alphabet crayons for the Toy Drive, and hanging out.

We started the night with some of these (Y-to the U- to the M):

Then we started making alphabet letter crayons. I first found this cute idea here. The idea was to make lots of them to bag up for the Toy Drive, however, it took a lot longer to make, bake, and let them cool than expected--but it's all good, we'll still use what we made :)

Here's the process...

First, peel your crayons and put them in your trays (tip: fill UP the trays to the top..I found they were better this way)

Bake your crayons at 275 degrees for 20 minutes. Then let them cool for another good 20 minutes.

Take care getting the letters out of the trays. This was not the easiest part! (Look carefully, you can see that I broke a few!) Once they're out...make words, create, draw, enjoy!

During our letter baking process, we all hung out and watched a movie. It was a great time--let's do it again soon!

1 comment:

  1. those crayon alphabet letters are too cute! what a neat idea. sounds like y'all had fun!


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