
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Hickory Christmas

On Wednesday we headed down to Hickory for Christmas with my family. Of course the weekend was filled with good food (we joke with my mom that she should have her own cooking show...), family time, a great movie, lots of games, presents, and just an all around good Christmas.

Those cookies and pretzels were AMAZING. Love, love, love chocolate covered pretzels...only wish my hubby could enjoy them as much as I do!
We went to see BLINDSIDE at the State Theater in Newton (yes, Newton does exist, and so does Startown, right, Erin? ;) But hey, it was $3.50 compared to $8.50! If you haven't seen this movie...go. Now.
Not a great shot, but we were all there to see it :)

Christmas morning and the gift opening began.
Jas and his rockin' new Carhartts. He looks good in them ;) trust me.My new camera bag for excited!Strange shadow, but great shirts for my bro and Jas.

And we had game time. I have just resigned myself to never winning in either of our families ;)
It was a great Christmas.
And since this blog is about Christmas, check out Mark Driscoll's blog on when Jesus was born. It's quality.

1 comment:

  1. For some reason I thought the state theater in Newton closed down. I'm glad to see it hasn't, and that you Hickory-folk made it to my town! ;) Haven't checked out the Mark Driscoll link yet but I want to-it's sure to be good.



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