
Thursday, December 31, 2009

A look back..and forward..

Well, here it is, the last day of 2009! It's hard to believe the year has gone by so fast. Time really flies... As I'm looking back and reflecting over the past year I'm reminded that in Scripture WE'RE reminded how short and fleeting life is. How important is it to make the most of EVERY day we're blessed to have? I'm challenged by this thought because I don't always make the most of every day. I want to glorify God daily. Do I? These are the things I've been thinking on for the last few days...

In other thoughts, I was looking back over some pictures from 2009 and wanted to share a few fun ones that never made their way onto the blog. So here goes...
Being goofy in Greece--what else is new? :)
Jas, Katka and I--I wanted to take this sweet girl home with me. And take a look at that Slovak smile...
With Elton at the Farmer's Market...his FAVORITE place.
Bella looks a little skeptical in her Jesus shirt..haha.
Love this picture! Ems and I were in the process of getting our picture taken when a bug flew by and I swatted :)
Jas and a shrimp head in Greece.
Fun picture at the movies.
Sharing an apple??? They're strange ;)

It's been a great 2009. Looking forward to seeing what's in store for 2010.


  1. I like this post. :) Good thoughts, and cute pics. I especially like that pic of you and Em! How funny. Isn't it neat to think that not only have you been married a YEAR, but you were also married ALL of 2009.


  2. Thought provoking thoughts, and great pictures to go with them. :)

  3. Sharing an apple... classic! Great pictures and cool commentary.


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