
Friday, January 8, 2010

Birthday Dinner with the Muffin Man

We celebrated our "Muffin man's" birthday (ok, that's Nathan, Jason's bro-in-law and my whatever-he-is :) tonight.  He had a birthday yesterday and we joined Marianne and Nathan for a dinner tonight at Piazza Italia, a sweet restaurant in Brightleaf Square (check it out, I had the fettucini gorgonzola--yum!).

Here's the birthday boy himself--with his better half (my sis-in-law!)

After a great dinner we headed to M and N's house for some ice cream cake (did I mention she made it? delish!) And it was colorful.  I am a big fan of color!

It was a fun night!  Happy Birthday, Nate! (oh, and he has been labeled "Muffin Man" for this post because he really likes muffins :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow...Muffins...I didn't know that! Good to know! Hope you have a good weekend too, Char! :)


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