
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Captured: COLORS

For this, "You Capture," over at I Should Be Folding Laundry, the goal was to capture color around you during this winter bleakness.

Here are some shots I managed to capture:

An amazing salad...delish!
A yo-yo quilt my grandmother made for me since I was born and kept until I was married--she's the best!
Colorful jewelry in my glass dish.
Dinner! Zucchini and tomatoes.
A colorful painting, by my grandmother, of course.  And a sweet tea pot.
And I found some gorgeous berries outside!  Isn't that red beautiful?  But I guess if you know me, you wouldn't be surprised that I am attracted to all things red..haha.

So that's the color that is spicing up the winter bleakness around the Palmer place.  Hope it adds a little brightness to your day!


  1. I love all of the color! It is about this time of year that I am so ready for warm weather and the beach!

  2. I really like that you found so much of your color in foods! I wanted to get fresh fruit colors in one of mine photos but ran out of time to run out and buy fruit.

    What is a yo-yo quilt? I've never heard of that before. How special that your grandmother made it for you!

  3. Warms me right up in this cold cold dungeon! Beautiful shots!!

  4. That is a really interesting quilt, I've never seen one like that.
    Love the red in all your pics!


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