
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Help for HAITI

If you haven't yet heard, Haiti endured a devastating earthquake today.  It was a 7.0 magnitude earthquake and is supposed to have been VERY damaging.  We all need to keep Haiti and the Haitians in our prayers.
Go here to check it out and read more.

While we're on the topic of Haiti, Ridgecrest is raising money for "Stop Hunger Now" (mentioned in previous post) which will make meals strictly for the people of Haiti.  Anyone can give money to help out (25 cents/meal)---so a dollar can give 4 Haitians one meal a day!  They need it now, just as much as ever!

As Christians, it's essential we support our brothers and sisters in Christ--be it through praying, serving, or financial means.  Haiti needs our help!

1 comment:

  1. Char, if you guys hear from Pastor Leon, I'd love to know how him and the church are doing down there. Please let me know if you hear anything!


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