
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Marvelous Mosaic

Today's Creative Blog is hosting a "get your CRAFT on!" for bloggers to see other crafted items out there in the blogosphere.  So I thought it'd be fun to join in :)

I actually made this a little while back, but have been thinking about making another mosaic again (as soon as time allows!). 

I took an old window from my cousin's house and painted it, then distressed it.

I then had a blast smashing lots of 25 cent or less mugs, plates, dishes (from Goodwill) to glue onto the panes of the window.  I also bought some square tiles and rounded stones from Michael's to add a little bit of charm and iridescence to the window. 

After that, I used grought to fill it all in...then I wiped off the excess and let it dry.

Jason and his dad helped wire a piece to the back so that it could hang (it's heavy!).  And now it resides at the end of our hall.  I just love all the colors!  Isn't color great?

Mosaic is intimidating sounding, but so fun to do.  I've also done a table and now I want to do a picture frame and/or mirror.  I'll let you know how it goes ;)

Happy mug-crushing!


  1. I love this piece... you did SO good!! My mom is supposed to be giving me some leftover slate and marble, and I'm on the look out for a piece to mosaic.... thinking an outdoor table, so keep your eyes out for me :) I'll call on you for help!

  2. This looks so pretty. What a great idea!

    Thank you so much for your comment. I just started blogging and really love it. My faith is an important part of my life...I'm glad it shines through to my blog. Have a great week!

  3. I love it, Char! So pretty! :)


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