
Friday, February 5, 2010

Afternoon with Atta

On Thursday my great friend Attabel came to town to hang out with me!  I was so excited to get to spend some time with this girl--since the last time I had seen her was at our wedding!!

We hung out, drank some hot tea, went to dinner at my favorite restaurant--Elmo's, and then went to Starbucks for coffee.  Lots of chatting and catching up took place (and it was wonderfully fun, as always! :)

Did I mention Atta is great at all things artsy and creative?  Thus, she enlightened me on using my camera (she has this big, fancy, professional version of my camera and so she has quite the knowledge I don't).

We were experimenting with a new lens she had just bought for her camera, by putting it on my some of these photos may be a little blurry (I'm an amateur, remember? :)  But, of course, we had fun taking them!

These took place outside in the driveway--we were playing with flash, also.

And I liked how these looked tinted like this--quite '60's-esque, huh?

Thanks for coming to visit, Atta!  You rock :)

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