
Monday, February 15, 2010

Me, a Chef?

If you were to go up to any of my college roommates and ask them, "Was Charity good at cooking in college?," they would probably look at you funny, laugh, and then they all would give you a resounding "NO!" But they also may tell you I was at least CREATIVE in cooking...haha.

With that said, it's not hard for me to make much of an improvement in the cooking world.  And as of late (at least the past year or so), I have really enjoyed trying new recipes and getting better at cooking! (Particularly now that I have a husband who likes to eat :)

And one of my recent adventures in cooking was Valentine's dinner!

I know you're wondering what I chose to make...

ROASTED CHICKEN! It's something I've been wanting to do for a while and I finally did it.  I roasted a chicken!  And it was good.  Steph, Erin, and Em, aren't you proud? :)

Ok...I have to make a note here.  Jas took the neck off the chicken and helped take out the innards.  EW!  But it was worth it!

Then I made an Italian Love Cake (from this recipe) and it was delish!  If you look at the recipe, though, I did not do the same topping.  I was wanting something lemony and sweet--so icing it was.

So there you have it.  My current adventures in cooking.

Here are a couple of websites I have liked in looking up recipes and in getting inspiration.
The next one is Packy and Steph's blog (Steph has inspired me in cooking ever since college!  And she posts recipes every so check out her recipes and knowledge!)

That's it. :)


  1. Very impressed you cooked a chicken! I'm not sure I could do it!

  2. Sweetie, I am thankful for you! You are an AMAZING cook! Your chicken was the second best thing that night! The best part was being with you!
    I LOVE YOU!!

  3. I, too, am very impressed with that chicken, Char. Way to go! I think you exaggerated your lack of cooking skills in college...I never thought you were bad! I think all of us didn't experiment too much because of little space (kitchen & fridge) and because we mainly cooked for 1. Very proud of you! Thanks for sharing other recipe sites you like. I wanna check 'em out!



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