
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pancake Pandamonium

So it is NO secret that I LOVE pancakes.  I mean LOVE them.  If I am ever offered an opportunity to eat some pancakes, I can't think of any reason to turn them down!  We're talking a serious love for pancakes here folks.

With that said, it's hardly unimaginable my reaction when I heard from my hubby that IHOP was giving away free pancakes today.  We jumped in the car headed to get some pancakes, but when we turned the corner (as I'm sure you could guess) there was an INCREDIBLY long line and many people waiting to fill their pancake-lovin' tummies, too.

Much to my heart's dismay, I had to turn down these delicious discs of buttery goodness...

For this...
That's right.  We ended up at Wendy's.  So anti-climatic! But don't worry, there will be many more pancakes consumed by this pancake-consumin' chick!

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