
Monday, March 8, 2010

META '10

This weekend was METAMORPHOSIS 2010.  That means that quite a few churches from all over Durham gather their youth and unite in a weekend of corporate worship, challenging Bible teaching, outreach to their community (both local and worldwide), sleepless nights, and lots of fun!

This Metamorphosis weekend was a great one.  Not only did we make 80,000 (YES!, 80,000!!) meals to send to Haiti through Stop Hunger Now, but we also heard a great speaker, spent lots of time together as a youth group, and watched a pretty sad rivalry game (come on, Carolina, REALLY!?)...

Let me give you a visual recap of the weekend.  Here goes.

Lyrics of a song sung by the Seth Condrey Band---they were great by the way!

Katy and Rae.  Check out how they're rockin' those sweet Meta shirts :)

Stop Hunger Now!  Bags of soy, vitamins, rice, and veggies ready to be sent to Haiti.  80,000=CRAZY AMAZING!

Loading up the bags and preparing them to be sent.

Our whole awesome group--silly picture :)

Jas and I at the end of a long, but great weekend.

"I KNOW my God saved the day and I KNOW His word never fails and I KNOW my God made a way for me... SALVATION IS HERE!"

To see another good post on more specifics of Stop Hunger Now, go here. Or go here to visit their website.  


  1. What wonderful pictures! I love the one of the youth pastor and his beautiful wife at the end.

    I love you 2,

  2. Y'all put together a great weekend! I know it is a lot of work... I'm thankful for all that you guys do!

  3. I'm glad you had a great weekend! I wish I lived looks like you had a great time and made a big impact for Stop Hunger Now.

    I also LOVE that song...Salvation is here!

  4. Aw, good old Metamorphosis! Looks like you guys had a really great weekend! Glad it went so well!

  5. we missed not being a part of metamorphosis this year! seems like it was a great one.



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