
Friday, April 2, 2010


On Saturday our awesome friend and adopted grandpa will turn 92.  Yes, that's right, Elton Earp will be NINETY-TWO!  That's CRAZY!  He is nearly a century old and has beyond the knowledge to show it.  Second to my own grandpa, I think he just might be one of the smartest men I know (oh, and my hubby ;)

Tonight we took him to Bullock's BBQ to celebrate.  We got the family meal and he topped it off with a banana pudding.  Special treat since he doesn't eat a ton of sugar (much like my own grandpa).

A shot while we were serenading him with our gorgeous voices, "Happy Birthday to youuuu..." (Clearly, he's amused to say the least)

Post dinner we captured a moment with the birthday boy.  There we are throwing up "9-2" while he is chillin' in the middle. He tried to hold up a hand and add more numbers to his age, but then we settled with 92. ;)

Elton, I am most certain you won't read this, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY and we hope you have many years more.  You are loved!

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