
Wednesday, April 21, 2010


There is a special person out there who is turning twenty-seven today.  That person is Mrs. Marianne Neufang (my sis-in-law).  Last night the family got together to celebrate her birthday.

She chose a restaurant most of us hadn't been to--Fishmongers.

Bet you can't guess what kind of restaurant it is?

Warning:  The following picture is a little scary ;)

Jason ate 2 whole pounds of crab legs ALL BY HIMSELF (ok, other than the piece or two I had).  He's a beast.

Marianne and her "candles."  Notice the 7 is not a candle, but a hand. Nate made Marianne a cake and somehow the 7 candle never showed up to the party...just the 2.  So she made her own 7 candle :)

Marianne, hope you have a GREAT birthday!  Love you!


  1. Happy Bday Marianne!!! Love you!

  2. I'm so glad you gusy celebrated it right! There's nothing better than crab legs!! :) Happy B-day Big Sis! Love you!


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