
Monday, April 26, 2010

Weekend Visit

This weekend Jas and I went to Hickory (or Hky as it's known to the, yes, I know) to visit with my family.  While there we celebrated my mom's birthday.

Mom and I at Red Lobster.

This was a DELICIOUS Boston Cream cake. Soooo good.  (lighting is a little off in this photo...ya know, still working on manual ;)

Up close and personal shot of the cake and candles. 

And a caramel torte my mom made.  She's a very good dessert-maker (did I just make up a word?)

I just noticed there was a lot of dessert pictures in this post.  Hope you aren't too hungry now because if you have a sweet tooth like mine, you should be! 

Happy Birthday to a great mom!  (on Wednesday) Love you and I'm thankful for you!


  1. It's both my momma's birthdays! Happy birthday Momma Elizabeth!


  2. Awww, I love your mom. She's so cute! AND, you are getting really good at manual! Looks professional to me!


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