
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

feelin' the love.

This week is a very special week in the life of a teacher.  That's's teacher appreciation week.  Not only do I particularly enjoy getting thank you notes from kids, but I REALLY enjoy the free food that comes on the second day of teacher appreciation week.  Why?  Because it's a WHOLE DAY dedicated to SWEETS!  Now if that doesn't sound right up my alley, I don't know what does!

Today proved somewhat humorous in the variation of treats I got.

Here's the whole pile of tasty sweet treats.

This is probably my favorite gift of the day!  A preciously wrapped plate of perfectly decorated cupcakes.  And made by one of my 8th grade boys to boot (at least he said so)!  Now THAT'S a cherry on top.

Aren't they precious!?  I don't want to eat them they're so cute.

And the two most random things I got for sweets day:

Don't need to explain those...random, indeed!  (Thoughtful, none the less...)

I guess all these sweet treats somehow make up for the two girls that gave me attitude today, right?! :)

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