
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Road Trippin'

This past weekend we got to go on a ROAD TRIP!  We took up and headed off to Savannah, Georgia for a few days to visit our friends.  We met the Lewis' at an IMB conference in January.  They are headed to the Ukraine at the same time we'll be going to Slovakia.  We had an awesome weekend hanging out, checkin' out their town, going to their church (and hearing Ross bring an amazing message), fishing, and just chatting.  Can't wait for more quality time with these two!

We spent a half day on the beach...and it was amazing! Ask me how jealous I am that they live only 30 minutes from the beach!?

Then we enjoyed an evening walking through the River Street/City Market area of Savannah.  It was a neat place.

And of course there was gelato involved.  I had pineapple...and it was fruity deliciousness.

Meet our friends...Ross and Kasey!

And we went "fishing," or "turtling" more like it.  They (the guys) caught at least 3 or 4!  Well, Jas caught most of those ;)

Lookin' good turtling...

And Ross caught the lone brim of the day.  Isn't it HUGE!?

I had to steal a picture with their precious dog Belle.  She's not exactly the "pick-me-up-and-love-on-me" kinda pup, but I loved her anyway!

It was a great weekend.  Can't wait to see these guys again!  And anytime you get the chance to go to Savannah...GO!  It's not really anything like Durham ;)

7.5 days until summer begins!

1 comment:

  1. I was born in Savannah!! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Debra M


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