
Thursday, May 13, 2010

some BIG news

We've got some big news to share!  I'll start from the beginning.

Back in August of last year,  Jason and I started to examine our "call."  We know we are ALL called to make disciples (according to the great commission every Christian is called to make disciples with the understanding that we're already "going").  We began to wonder:  Where do we want to go?  We began considering (and praying all the while) going overseas.  We saw a great need for Christ in other nations.

We started applying with the IMB thinking and praying "Lord, if you open the doors and continue to open them, we'll go through."  Long story short, after lots of interviews, conferences, prayers, and essays, we were offered a position as church planters for Slovakia.  We are thankful and excited to say that we will be heading to our new home early next year.

This is an exciting time for us, as well as a time of lots of "new experiences" and emotions.  We've never left our families for longer than well, months for me and weeks for Jas (outside of the states, I mean). We've never shared such big news with friends and family that are important to us.  We've never experienced selling a house together or experienced the planning that comes with moving overseas!  We've never been more eager to get to know and share Christ with a people group!  We've never learned another language together, and the list goes on...  It's crazy, it's challenging, and it's exciting all rolled up into one.

It's likely this blog will morph and change into a more day-to-day spill of our happenings in Slovakia.  We hope you'll join us for this journey and we covet your prayers.

And because you know I like keepin' it real with photos, here's one for old time's sake...

That would be our sweet friend Davidko.  We are at a Slovak restaurant where he kept trying to teach me lots and lots of Slovak words...I only wish now I had paid EVEN MORE attention ;) I tell you, I would adopt him (and Wanderson) if I could.  Somehow, I don't think either of their moms would like that.  But wishful thinking doesn't hurt, right?


  1. SO proud! Love you two SO much! I hope the blog continues once you go, my days wouldn't be the same without a little Charity in them!!

    Much Love!

  2. so excited for this season in your lives. we will be praying as I know it will be hard, yet so new and exciting! can't wait to follow along.. yayy for blogging and how it keeps us so connected!

  3. I second what Christy says, I'm so glad we will be able to follow along as your journey unfolds. we are excited for you guys and will be praying!

  4. :) Exciting! You have LOTSA big things in store!

  5. You know we are so excited for you guys! Jeremiah really enjoyed his lunch with Jason yesterday...we need to get together, all of us, and talk details!

    We are praying for you!

  6. SO excited for you guys. What an answer to prayer! I'm so glad you will be keeping the blog up - can't wait to see what's in store for you guys :) love u!

  7. I couldn't think of a better, more flexible couple for this journey the Lord is taking you on. I can't wait to read about what's going on in Slovakia with you guys. My prayers are most definitley with you all. You will be greatly missed but most highly lifted up! :)

  8. i don't know why my first thought when anyone says they have big news is that they're going to say they're pregnant... ; ) congrats you guys! when is early next year - like, january?


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