
Monday, June 7, 2010


I think it is definitely worth a post that tomorrow I embark on a week of lasts!

The last (last) week of school

The last time I will have to take down a classroom

The last time I will have to see certain, disrespectful students

The last time I will get to see certain great, respectful students

The last time I will be known as Carrington's Spanish teacher

The last time I will have to get up at 5:30 am for a good, long while (I hope!)

This brings both sadness and bitter-sweetness (bet ya can't tell I made that word up ;)

But mostly, it brings EXCITEMENT!  However, it has been a good (and challenging!) two years as a middle school teacher.  I have learned a lot about both teaching and myself.  And for that I am thankful!

Now bring on three and a half more days of 5:30 am!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Congrats on your last few days of school, Senora Palmer!!


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