
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bacon Cheddar Quiche

It was quiche time last weekend at the Palmer house.  I sought out a yummy recipe and found this one:


(You can either opt to make your own crust (which is the true, pro way to do it!) OR you can do like I did (I know, shame shame) and buy an already made crust that is just dough, aka NON-BAKED.  Find the whole recipe here.)

*8 strips lean bacon, cooked and crumbled
*4 large eggs
*1 1/2 cups of half and half
*1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
*1/8 teaspoon pepper
*1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
*non-baked pie dough (usually found in cookie section, or nearby)

1)  Roll out your dough in a 9 inch pie pan.

2)  In a bowl mix together eggs, milk, thyme, and pepper.  I also added cheese to mine here as well (we just so happen to really love cheese).

3)  Pour into crust.  Crumble bacon over top as well as cup of shredded cheese.

4)  Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes or until crust is golden brown.

Not a tough one on the difficulty, but it's yum to the tum, I promise.  Now go bust out that whisk, you'll need it :)


  1. This. Looks. AMAZING. I am soooo trying it out!! :)

  2. mmm it was soooo good!! hahahaha


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