
Monday, June 14, 2010

camera strap cuteness

This weekend we went to Hickory for a wedding and some family hang-out time.  That meant that mom and I got to have a craft adventure :)

I have had bookmarked on ETSY some camera strap covers that I've been wanting for some time now.  Mom has gotten into sewing recently, so we thought we'd give it a whirl!

I picked some fabric at Hobby Lobby, then we set off (or she set off) doing the sewing part.  It wasn't difficult and ended up taking less than 30 minutes, probably.

And I am pleased to say the camera strap turned out great (after one less-succesful attempt due to some bulky felt).

We used this tutorial for making a camera strap cover.  There are also good ones here and here.

Ok, I know it's the little things, but I am a fan of this cheery burst of color hanging around my's to creative inspiration ;)

Thanks, mom! Looks great :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I love it. Thanks for posting a link to the directions. If all goes well with the sewing machine, I might attempt this project next!


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