
Saturday, June 26, 2010


Today we had a nice daycation (this is simply a "vacation" for a day :)

We met my parents half way in Winston-Salem.  After a little lunch at a BBQ joint, we hit up Toy Story 3 in 3D!  It was quite adorable.  I'm a serious fan of those little animated toys...they're quite precious.

And, of course, because the 3D glasses are SO cool, we HAD to get a picture in them!

Jas had a really, REALLY hard time keeping his eyes open...haha.

It was a nice, welcomed break from the hectic-ness of packing up and going through things in the house for MOVING!  This whole packing-up process has been more challenging than I thought it would be.  Trying to figure out what to get rid of, what to keep, what to take to!  It's tricky!

Thanks to my parents for the nice daycation.  And thanks to Buzz Lightyear for his Spanish-speaking hilariousness ;)

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