
Sunday, July 18, 2010

BACK (but still in full swing!)

WOW!!!  July has been one BUSY month.  But it's not over yet.  We've been pretty inconsistent and missing the last two weeks.  Why, you ask!? Well, we were able to spend the last two weeks in Slovakia and Austria.  We were doing English and sports camps there!

So we just got in a little bit ago and tomorrow is Sunday!  That means we'll head to church, and then MOVE a ton of things out of our house and to the in-laws (thanks!).  Then on Monday we will be heading to Crossroads (youth camp, just in case) for three days.  And by Friday of this upcoming week we'll be out of the house for GOOD!  Ah, crazy, I tell ya!  And by that time it will be practically August.  My, oh my.

I can't wait to post some pictures and share some stories from our time in Slovakia. (sidenote:  thanks for hanging in there with the many picture posts of late) It made us even more excited about moving there in about 7 months!

So all in all, we are thankful, blessed, hopeful, TIRED, excited, and ready to kind of "chill out" from the busy-ness of this hectic month.

Hope everyone has had a lovely July so far! :)

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