
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Closed and Celebrated

Good news, friends!  This house is no longer ours!  But...if we're being honest, it's a little bittersweet.

It was our first house together (well, kinda, he had it first, if we're being technical).  It was full of sweat equity (aka, we spent lots of time fixing it up!).  It was equipped with an amazing backyard.  But most of all, it was our setting for the first year and a half of marital memories!  Lots of good times were had in that little house.

BUT, it is a rejoicing moment for us as well.  We are super thankful to have been able to sale it so quickly.  It's a step towards Slovakia for us and that's where we feel confident we're supposed to be.  So there you have it...the bitter and the sweet.

So in order to celebrate the relief of a step closer to being in Bratislava, we headed out to Mellow Mushroom for a delicious dinner.  The last time I had this to-die-for pizza was in Boone...over two years ago!

Let me introduce you to the Gourmet White Pie.  We're pretty much best friends ;)

Look at that deliciousness!

And what remains I left behind...

And yes, this picture kind of sums us up ;)

So with that, we have officially closed on the house and we've celebrated with a White Pie!  We have a good and sovereign God.

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