
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

a PEARY good day

Yesterday Jas and I got to spend some time with our "grandpa" Elton.  We've blogged about him before, and we always have a good time with him. But yesterday, was just an all around peary good day.

We, of course, headed to Raleigh's Farmer's Market.  First, for breakfast. Second, for shopping, or "going down the line" as Elton calls it.

I took some pictures.  Are you surprised? ;)

Then we ran an errand for Elton.  After our pit stop, we hit up a pear tree (don't worry, it's legal!) across from the church.  We grabbed a few pears for Elton and headed home.

Now do you see why I said it was a "peary" good day?  Haha, aren't I peary punny!?  And with that, I'm finished. :)

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