
Thursday, July 22, 2010


Week one sped by fast...then came week two!  We did several different day trips/activities before we headed to Bratislava and Vienna.

First up:  Slovensky Raj!  We left part of our group on the beach soakin' up the sun and the rest of the group (including Jas and I) headed up the mountain on a hike.  We climbed ladders and hiked past was a tough hike, but very pretty!  I really enjoyed it.

We also got to go tour/walk through a cave way up in the Low Tatras. It was coooold in the cave.  The view up there though, whoa, whoa, really, just whoa...

We traveled to Bratislava.  It's changed since the last time Jas and I were there.  We spent a couple of days just hanging out in the city.  Can't wait to move there!  There was also some awesome quality time spent with some Slovaks :)

Our last day before flying out was spent in Vienna, Austria.  I have to say, I'm a big fan of that city.  But it was PACKED with people!  We'll definitely go back.

All in all, it was a GREAT two weeks (oh, did I mention, however, that is was ALLERGY season in Slovakia/Austria...UGH! haha).  We learned a lot about ministry and love, but most importantly recognized just how BIG our God is.  And, oh, there's much for us to learn :)


  1. I really like that picture of the tattered flag/banner :)

  2. Hi,
    I would recommend you unique accommodation . Next time stay in one of castles, manor houses overnight... for more info check out

  3. I love all the pictures you took of the city and the people! I can't wait to see more after you move there. Still can't believe you will be there in less than a year. God is amazing! :)

  4. Awesome pics, you little Nikon master :) I'm proud!

  5. So fun to catch up on you guys through the blog. You make me LONG to be in Europe--especially SK. I miss it SO much!!!!


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