
Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Celebratory Day

Disclaimer:  word and picture overload...

The past few days I have gotten to celebrate my birthday!  That's right...I turned 24.  Go ahead and say it, I'm old ;)

Thursday night Jason's family helped me celebrate the day of my birth with a dinner at Bali-Hai (a great Mongolian restaurant).  Then we followed it up with a cookie cake and present-opening.  Our friend, Miriam, who is here from Slovakia and now studying at UNC, came to help me celebrate too!  This made it even more special :)  Thanks for coming, Miriam!

Yesterday was my actual birthday, and Jas had the whole day planned.  We started out with breakfast at Elmo's Diner (my fav!), followed by a photo shoot with him (super sweet since he knew I wanted to practice portraits and since he's a guy and being the subject of a photo shoot isn't exactly his thing), then we did some shopping, stopped by to see Elton, ran by the church where I received a surprise from one of my favorite set of kiddos, and ended the day with dinner and a movie.  It was great quality time, my favorite kind of gift!  I loved every second spent with my best friend.  Thanks, babe!

I also got to have coffee with my friend Brooke this week and she made me this most precious hat.  Thanks, Brooke...I love it!  (pic: courtesy of Brooke).

This weekend we're headed to the beach to celebrate both mine and Jason's birthdays with my family.  Stay tuned--beach and birthday updates to come from our time with them!

Thankful for friends and family to help celebrate my birthday.  Thankful to my mama for having me ;)  And thankful to the Lord for another year of life to live!

Ok...that is one too many pictures of me on here.  You can find me hiding behind the camera again!


  1. Aww, I'm glad your B-day was super special!! Hope you're having a great time at the beach friend!!

  2. I can't remember if I already wrote this somewhere, but I know I thought it: cute hair!! You look adorable, but not in the young way, just pretty. Proud of you for finally going for it, haha.



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