
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Flak Photo

As you may or may not know by now, I am quite a fan of photography.  I, of course, am far, far from being a pro.  I am just a hobby photographer and an admirer of photography.

So when I stumbled on this site the other night, I was excited.  Delighted, even.

Flak Photo is a collaboration of works from around the internet put together by Andy Adams.  The photos you find here are nothing less of inspiring.

So while I kick myself for not studying technical photography in college and understanding the in's and out's of what makes a perfect photo, I can still remain inspired by this site.

Here's a small taste of the exemplary work there...

Photo copyright, Rachel Papo

And there's much, much, much more.  Now go check it out...I promise you won't leave disappointed ;)

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