
Monday, August 23, 2010

A Season of Birthdays

There are two seasons of birthdays between our two families.  The first comes in the spring, between April and May.  The second comes between August and September.  Then there are a few other birthdays sprinkled throughout the year.

We have entered the August/September season of birthdays!  Today we celebrated Donnie's birthday (it's actually on Wednesday).  Our celebration consisted of grillin' out, a Phase 10 game (I am the champ this time..woot woot), and cake!  It was good stuff :)

Like father like son, huh? :)

Marianne and Nate bought the birthday boy some tickets to see a band/group he really are the temporary tickets Marianne made until the real ones come.

Happy Birthday, Donnie Palmer!  We hope you have lots of birthday joy!

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