
Thursday, August 26, 2010

World's BIGGEST Ice Cream Sundae

Let me introduce you to the World's BIGGEST ice cream sundae (ok, not really, but it was quite large, nonetheless!)

Tonight we kicked off TWT (That Wednesday Thing) at church.  We celebrated with a large inflatable, candy bars, and a huge ice cream sundae in a gutter.  Don't worry the gutter was clean.  But we sure sugared those kids up! :)  Nothing like some hyped up Jesus-lovin' middle and high it!

Guttery goodness...

They were ANXIOUS to eat that stuff

Ha, look at that ice creamy face :)

Quite gross.  Quite colorful.  Quite hilarious.

Action shot.  I love the color!

Sprinkle tear.

BIG fun!  and a BIG sundae :)


  1. that looks delicious! and it is very large. i sure do love sprinkles... jealous I couldn't share in that fun!

    and... is your hair MUCH shorter or is the picture playing tricks and hiding the longer pieces behind? hmmmm :)

  2. awww! I love the sprinkle tear! you're so sweet!! - pun intended ;)

  3. I really like your sprinkle shot. Very cute. You are a good photographer too....the ice cream close up....all very cute!
    Kim Stewart

  4. You chopped your hair!! And we were right, you totally pull it off beautifully!! Love it! The ice cream looks yummy too :)

  5. Hope you're happy with the haircut... can't wait to see it for real! And I love the sprinkle picture haha :)

  6. I'm super sad that I missed that ice cream sundae!! And your hair is fabulous!!!

  7. That looks fun! And you have short hair!! Way to go for taking the plunge...I know you've always wanted to try it out. I hope you like it. I want to see another picture because I can't really tell, but what I see of it looks cute!


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