
Sunday, September 19, 2010

One SWEET trip

Haiti.  That word in itself brings to mind a gazillion different adjectives, thoughts, feelings, sounds, smells, sights...  This past trip was perfectly SWEET.

Was it mosquito free?  No.  Was it free of blisters?  No.  Was it cool outside?  No.  Was it devoid of the dreadful post-Haiti tummy issues? No. Was it every bit worth it? YES!  It was a great last trip for us for a while.  We got to see lots of our Haitian friends, work hard for four days, sight-see on the last day, bond with some local church leaders, worship/fellowship with Haitians, and spend some quality time in a place we love.  It was just all around good.

And God got my attention.  Again.  No surprise there, right?  He's rather adept at getting our attention.  I read a book this week (early at night, bedtime, wrapped in my mosquito net and covered with bug spray ;) The book is "Evidence Not Seen" by Darlene Diebler Rose.  It's amazing.  I will surely blog a whole post on it.  But between that, recent events taking place in life, and a week spent in Haiti, I am again reminded of the importance of making the most of everyday for our Lord.  More to come on this...

In the meantime, check out these "hot" (get it?) Haitian pics:

Church on Sunday, followed by a visit to see Wall's Guest House (which has changed a ton!).  Below is sweet her!

We did get some time to spend on the beach Sunday afternoon before the busy work week started.  Above, Nadege and I.

Original Haitian artisan paintings.  Can't beat that color!

The stages of an almond!  How cool is that!?  You can actually eat the almond fruit, too.

It was nice and relaxing at Wahoo Beach.

Always delicious dinners cooked by the Haitians for us.

Then work began bright and early Monday morning.  We had four successful work days which included three tin-roofed houses, and help with the foundation for a new wall in Repatriot.  Good stuff.

That's probably sufficient enough pictures for one day's post, but can you believe there are more where these came from?

You may need some eye drops for the many pics coming at you tomorrow (you know, if you decide to tune in for more Haiti pics and all ;)


  1. You know I'll be tuning in tomorrow for sure! I can't get enough of the Haiti pics!! I'm so glad it was a great last trip for you guys!! I know you will miss it and I hope you got to see EVERYONE...hope to see pics of him tomorrow too! :)

  2. Great pics!! I love looking back and remembering being there. I had a moment looking at your pic from Wahoo Beach - I have a pic of me and Kevin standing on the cement step there right after he asked me to be his girlfriend ;) Good times


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