
Friday, October 29, 2010

A reminder to us all...

We returned a few days ago from our quick trip to California.  But this post isn't about our two day trip in Clovis nearly as much as it is about two particular experiences.

You see, we were able to talk and connect with a lot of people, which was really neat, but there was one lady in particular that I got to talk with.  She was asking me lots of questions and she was sharing a lot about herself as well.

She was explaining to me how she wasn't quite the fan of the rock 'n roll worship music that was at her church and she proceeded to tell me she couldn't wait to move back to the Bible belt.  She said she had never been around non-Christians and didn't feel comfortable being around them.  That struck me.  Dumbfounded me.  Seriously?  Did she believe in Jesus!?  He was around non-believers all the time...for crying out loud!

Now before you start thinking "wow, Charity, don't get ahead of're a sinner too!"  YES, I most definitely am.  And that's just it.  It was a reminder to me (and the church, too)!  How easy it is to get caught up in the Christian bubble.  To get comfortable in the place you are.  To not want to step out, reach out, and get "messy".  How easy it is to go day in and day out being a Christian and yet not sharing the good news with the lost around us...

And I was again reminded of this on the plane ride back home from California.  I had the opportunity to sit next to a willing-to-talk lady on the plane.  She and I started chatting and it came to the point where I KNEW I needed to share Christ.  I didn't.  And I was convicted.  Like an anchor sitting in the pit of my stomach conviction laid there.  Heavy.  And I was SCARED.  I had FEAR!  Thankfully, the Lord kept working on my heart, and I eventually did talk with her about Christ and his significance to me.  But I let fear overcome me for a good long while there.

It's sad, ya know?  I'm sad and disappointed in myself.  And how much more does that make our Savior sad?  But thanks to HIS GRACE and MERCY we have a God who loves us unconditionally.

Just like we should love those around us unconditionally.  I was challenged by these experiences to get out of my comfort zone.  Step into the unknown.  And trust the Lord.  Oh how I desire to let go of fear and trust in the righteous right hand of our God...

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