
Monday, November 29, 2010

Double Thanksgiving

This year Jas and I got to celebrate Thanksgiving not once, but twice.  We usually switch holidays back and forth with each set of families, but this year we wanted to make sure we hit up both families.

First we went to Hickory for my family's meal.  We ate up some deliciousness, played games, and had a good 'ole time :)

Umm mmm...look at that bird above!  Then we headed back to Durham and celebrated with the Palmer side of the family.  And we indulged in this guy...

Who got fried up during this process...

We also played games, and then we decorated the house, AND our dog (whose picture is a bit blurry)...

Two great meals/days spent with family.  Oh, and wouldn't you know our families made nearly the EXACT same Thanksgiving meal?  Only difference...stuffed shells at the Palmers.  Cool, huh? ;)

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