
Monday, November 1, 2010

Mixin' It Up, A Bit

The following is a random post, because today is just one of those random days...

-- 9:19 AM today, driving to the Farmer's Market with Elton in tow.  Going down Duke Street, an older man in a large red truck attempts a U-turn and decides he doesn't see us.  Jason swerves hard to the right.  He scrapes our tail end.  THEN DRIVES OFF...a hit and run.  Not cool! Nobody hurt, thankfully.  Damage done.  New quarter panel; money in the hole.  That's life, right?

-- Oh, and if you know you can't drive very well (or see very well), it might be time to retire that drivers license, dude...sheesh!

-- Not to mention that on the way home from the farmer's market we were nearly capsized by a moped and a mail truck!  Come on, Durham drivers!

Moving on...

-- Did you know a hush puppy was named when one man fed the fried dough to his begging dog under the table, and exclaimed, "hush puppy!"  Thank you, Elton, for your wisdom :)

-- We have a massive pile of paper work to go through for our upcoming appointment.  Let the paper fun fest begin!

-- The farmer's market had a gazillion peppers out today...which was super exciting.  I am a sweet pepper fan, for sure.  I threw in the eggplant we got for Grandma, to add variety, ya know ;)

-- And I'll end on a positive note (forgive my post-bad-driver-experience-road-rage-of-sorts).  A quote from Matthew Henry, discovered while studying fear for an upcoming talk,

"Though Christians are to be liberated from the fear of men, death, and life in general, they must never lose their sense of the awesomeness of God."

Well-noted, thanks, Matthew Henry!

1 comment:

  1. I love the quote, Charity! I needed this reminder.

    I love you,


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