
Saturday, November 6, 2010

On the Road Again

On the road again...well, kind of.

We're hitting the road Saturday for a trip to Greensboro/Winston-Salem for our long-awaited IMB Appointment week.  We will be attending lots of meetings, learning a lot, and participating in an appointment service on Wednesday night.  We're excited and anticipating the week!

It's doubtful there will be any posts this upcoming week, but you can take a look at this quite hilarious picture (from Halloween time) and laugh out loud like I do every time ;)

Hope everyone has a GREAT week!

1 comment:

  1. I obviously love this picture. I did laugh out loud. Can't wait to hear about Winston Salem. We so wanted to go but it is actually my mom's birthday and we are going to celebrate it that night. I hope all goes well. Love you!


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