
Friday, November 19, 2010

Punkin' Pie Puddin'

Thanksgiving is right around the corner!  That's exciting :)  And with that in mind, along with my love for all things pumpkin spice, I wanted to try a new recipe in preparation for next Thursday.

Enter Punkin' Pie Puddin' (found here).

I love pumpkin pie.  And pudding.  That makes this the perfect little fall treat!

Here's what ya need:
*1 small package instant vanilla pudding mix
*1/2 cup canned pumpkin
*1 3/4 cup milk
*1 cup whipped topping (I used more)
*1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

Here's what ya need to do:
1) Mix milk and instant pudding together following package instructions.
2) Add in pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice.
3) Whisk in the whipped cream until all is creamy.
4) Serve it up! It's way cuter if they're served individually, but you can also just leave it in a big bowl, you know, family-style.
5) Crumble gingersnaps on top and stick one in there for delicious decoration.

Then, eat up!  It tastes just like a punkin' pie in your mouth only with a different texture.  Umm...

I think heaven might taste like pumpkin pie.  Or punkin' pie puddin'.  What about you? :)

1 comment:

  1. That looks delish!! I'll have to try that recipe. Thanks for sharing!


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