
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I am Thankful For...Jason's Edition

1) For a God that loves me despite all of my flaws. A God that provided a way for me to spend eternity in His presence.
2) For a wife that loves me despite all of my flaws. A wife that is a daily reminder to me of the grace of God that is poured upon my life. A wife that is my best friend! I Love You Charity! You are my only one!!!!
3) For a family that supports us in our transition to Slovakia even as we cause changes in our whole family structure with our move.
4) For a church family that loves us and supports us as we prepare to move to Slovakia.
5) For the Southern Baptist Convention. The more involved we get with them the more I realize how blessed we are to know them. They truly have a heart for the Gospel to be proclaimed among all people. Their prayer and encouragement will always be cherished.
6) For Sushi. I just like it a lot!
7) Bella- The world's greatest dog! Seriously...she can destroy every other dog in the world with her amazing ability to do tricks at my command! She also doesn't eat her own poop like other dogs that I know.

BUT the thing that I would like to encourage everyone with is this...
Everything that we are thankful for are blessings that God has bestowed upon us. Remember we have been blessed so we can be a part of God blessing the rest of the world and making His name and glory known. So as you reminisce about the blessings that you are thankful for, don't hoard them to yourself, share them with the world around you and take part in making the nations glad. Read Psalms 67.



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