
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Numero Uno

The past few days we spent in Hickory with my family.  It was a really sweet time.

Not only was it sweet, but we got to spend it with my brother AND with a Slovak...awesome!

The boys dominated at Wii...though the girls undoubtedly gave a valiant effort.

My grandmother really liked these candlesticks!

Even though Mia was supposed to be with her family on Christmas, we were glad to have her celebrate with us!

We're not exactly sure what Christmas will look like next year, but we do know two things.  1) Christmas (and every day) is and always will be about Christ.  2)  We'll love our families wherever we are!

And as they say in Slovak, "Veselé Vianoce" (translation: Merry Christmas :)

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