
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Complete Set

It's December 1st!  That means Christmas is right around the corner...wild!

And among the many other things we've had on our to-do lists lately, I have finally completed the set of journals I have been working on.  Each one is for a Christmas gift.  (3 of the 4 recipients read this here blog, but they'll hopefully still be surprised when they open it!?)

Now it's time for the big reveal...

Blue, olive green, green, and pink.  Just gotta get them wrapped and ready for Christmas...

Any crafty gift ideas (or links) you have up your sleeves?  I'd love to know!


  1. Absolutely beautiful! I wish some of my daughter's talent would rub off on mama!
    I love you!

  2. I hope I am a recipent.

  3. Those are so purdy! You're very creative! I love reading about your craft and culinary adventures!!

  4. char! these are SO cool! id love to know your (recipe) for lack of a better craft word for how to create this :) love!

  5. Lu, I think you should give us all bottles to hold the tears when you leave. You are so loved!!!!!!


leave us some love!