
Monday, December 13, 2010

The House of Candy

Today Jas and I got to hang out with the Stewart clan.  We brought over the goods (gingerbread house and fingers for playing games) and they provided the entertainment (cute kids who say funny things).

The younger ones, Kim, and I put together the gingerbread house while the older guys played a video game.

We followed the directions, put together the house, then ate the left over candy (and some candy canes!).

I also got a personal tour of all their rooms and toys.  That's what I call BIG fun.

The house lookin' good...

A little fuzzy, but a HILARIOUS Jack!

Then we attempted a group photo...

Round One.

Haha!  I think that's about as good as we're going to get.  This photo makes me laugh every time.  I think Jas is the only one actually focused.

And after all the fun, including the room and toys tour, we came down to this...

A crumbled house!  But that's ok (I mean, that happens when you don't let it set ;) we had a great time.  Thanks, Stewarts, for letting us hang out with you guys.  Kim and Randy, you guys rock and we think you are star parents!


  1. The kids made a gingerbread house at our RHC Christmas party last night...our result looked a lot like yours! But, they did have fun!

  2. Thank you for your kind words. You and Jason are so sweet to us. You will be leaving a huge hole in our hearts when you leave. BUT I sure am proud of you guys! I admire you both. AND I think you have mad skills with the camera. Your pictures are so good. LOVE the gingerbread pictures.....but also love your candy picture. The wrappers look really cool! LOVE YOU!


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