
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

One Rockin' Gift

I have an awesome sis-in-law.

So awesome, in fact, that for Christmas this is part of the gift Jas and I received:

Yep, that's not just a photo book.  That's a rockin' photo COOKBOOK filled with memories.  She worked for some weeks (I think) to collect recipes from both of our families.  Not only are some of our favorite recipes included, but picture memories of us with our families are sprinkled throughout the book.  I (we) LOVE IT!!

Jas and his grandparents with a brownie recipe next to it.

My bro and I (check out those glasses...puh-lease!) and another recipe.

The last few pages are just pictures of us and with our families.

You can guarantee I will be putting this cookbook to good use in Slovakia and smiling the whole time while using it.

Thanks, Marianne, for such a special present.  One that we will use for many, many years.  And one that will remind us every time we use it of the people back home who love us :)


leave us some love!