
Monday, January 24, 2011

And we're off...

Well, it's here!  We're heading out.

The bags are packed.  The car is loaded.  The room is cleaned out.  And we're on our way to Virginia!

It's no telling what the next two months will look like.  Things may be a bit sporadic on our little corner of the internet, but we'll be around...just maybe not as frequent.

But come the end of March, things should be back in full swing as we head over to SLOVAKIA.  We look forward to updating you!

As always, we appreciate prayer as we prepare for change and whatever it is the Lord has in store for us this year. Thanks for following along with us on our journey :)

And I'll leave you with one that has me smilin', maybe it will do the same for you:


  1. we'll miss you guys, I hate we didn't get to see you before you left! we'll be praying for you! Looking forward to reading about your journey!

  2. Can't wait for more posts once you're in the grind in Virginia! Love you friend!!


  3. Hey Charity!

    This is Sarah Biggerstaff....hopefully you remember me from Spanish class at the good ole FTF :) I found your blog and I've enjoyed looking through all your beautiful pictures! (And your posts too of course!) Also, I see that you are going to Slovakia soon!! That is really awesome!! I hope that it is a smooth transition and I know God has many many blessings planned for you!

  4. p.s. My husband and I also work in missions, but in Latin America, which is why I was so excited to hear ya'll are going to the mission field as well! :) My blog is if you'd like to check it out!


leave us some love!