
Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's been a year...

Yesterday marked a year of the earthquake in Haiti (I'm a day late...)

Jas and I were at a conference in Virginia when we first got the news about the massive earthquake that brought Haiti even lower than low.  Having been there a couple of times, we were moved...but we didn't understand the full effects of it all until we went back in April and September of last year.

Even then, we could experience some of the real-life aftermath (sights, smells, sounds, etc.), but we weren't there to experience the actual quake and the hours and days immediately following...

But I do know that each time we've been there, we have experienced about a million different emotions (at least I have...Jas, probably just two emotions ;)

And we love Haiti.

And we are still continually praying for the people, the government, and the country as a whole.

As the Haitians say, "Beni Swa L'eternel!"

And check out our friends Jacob and Britt's blog (they lived in Haiti for a while)...

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