
Monday, January 3, 2011

From that to this...

Orientation is in a few shorts weeks and while we've done a lot, we still have much to-do on our list of things-to-be-done.

But we have gone from this...

Our house full of things to sort through, organize, and get rid of,

to this...

stuff on top of and right in front of the pool table.

There's still some items to be narrowed down (obviously), but it's been a work in progress.  It's also been an eye-opening and actually quite awesome adventure in cleaning out and minimizing.  I'm so glad we've gotten to do it (and still are doing it).

In addition to sorting through some final items, we've got some paperwork, reading, last minute errands, etc. to do.  We'll also be taking some mini-trips and spending time with family/friends before we head out for training.

Ah...we can't believe it's so close.  2010, where did you go!?


  1. I'm all caught up on your blog now! Only had to go back 22 posts to Thanksgiving to read 'em all, haha. Girl you're hard to keep up with! But I sure do enjoy it. Love ya much!


  2. I love that we move so much. It keeps life simple and all of our stuff minimized to need....but we still have too much and keep on acquiring. ;)

  3. Oh the freedom of selling, dumping, & giving away! As you go through it I think you'll get more of a sense of why Jesus commanded the 72 not to take any provisions with them. :) Enjoy the process!


leave us some love!