
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Another Update...

But sadly still no pictures!

We have been rockin' it with our furniture-putting-together-ness.  Actually, I should say Jas has done the large majority of it...and he's done a great job!  I DO have pictures, but they will come as soon as we get internet :)

In other news, we started learning Slovak tonight and it was AWESOME!  We are in a class with 6 other people. The teacher is amazing and very disciplined.  We hope to learn much!

More to come later. Thanks for the encouragement and prayers!


  1. Guess that means you've been to Ikea, huh? :) Glad things are off to a good start. Talk to you soon!

  2. Glad to hear it is all coming together! I can't wait to see the pictures of your new place!


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