
Friday, April 15, 2011


The other night we took a little walk to explore our neighborhood.  (On a sidenote, it SNOWED for about 5 minutes that day!  Then was super wet and cold the rest of the day).  Anyway, we had seen a second hand store (AHHHH...just like my favorite Goodwill back home...insert happy dance here) and we, well really, I, wanted to stop by.

So we did.

After that we decided to run get some meat from the big store across from the secondhand store.  We thought this store, called Kaufland's, was just a big grocery store.  We were wrong.

We walked through aisles and aisles of everything you can imagine.  Basically, it's like a Wal-Mart, only Slovak.  I even found whipped cream and a Slovak version of Nesquick.

We now know, though, how it feels to be a foreigner walking into a Wal-Mart type situation (because we were!)  It's overwhelming.  We, of course, don't know near enough of the language yet, and there was so much of everything.

So we have to say, we were pretty impressed with Kaufland's.

And that's our cultural story o' the day :)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh! So happy to hear you found a Slovak version of Goodwill. My heart skipped a beat for you ;)


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