
Monday, April 25, 2011

MORE eggs...

After church on Sunday we joined up with some Slovaks and Americans for an Easter Egg Hunt.  I helped hide the eggs (and may or may not have hidden five or so of them a little TOO well...haha).

It was big fun watching the kids go for the eggs and enjoy the candy afterwards.  Jas and I are looking forward to being parents :)

Did I mention Sonya had prepared 130 eggs!  That's right...130 amazingly colorful eggs.

The egg-searching gang.

This lil guy was nestled in some grass just a-waitin' to be found.

And of course, after all the egg-citement (yes, I just went there ;) Jas and I wanted to try our own hand at dying eggs.  Not just any ole eggs though, these were brown eggs.  I had never dyed brown eggs before, so this was a first.

We did crack a few in the process (turns out we're either tough on eggs or they're not as resilient as white eggs), but then we let them sit in the color for a loooong time.  They turned out quite vibrant (and a bit streaky haha).

Hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I love the eggs. We usually dye eggs every year. Saw some being done on Martha Stewart ~ she used lace to cover the eggs and then dip. They were gorgeous...if only mine would turn out as nice. But I will try.

    Thanks for your post. Love keeping up with you.

    Praying for you all!


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