
Friday, April 22, 2011

Ordinary to Extraordinary

I have this favorite pair of shoes.

They're comfy, easy, and go with everything and because of that I have WORN them OUT.

Especially since coming to Slovakia!

And so they've started to show their miles in a major way.  And the other day I was having a craft craving (aka, I really wanted to do something artsy).

So I went and found my Sharpies, grabbed the shoes, and little by little over time, have been working on bringing the drab to fab.

The drab, worn, and dirty BEFORE...

And the colorfully glorious AFTER...

They may be a little over the top, possibly even kid-ish, but hey, I am a huge color creativity there ya go :)

And yes, they're still dirty (all I did was cover it up!), BUT the favorite shoes are back in action...yes!!


  1. that is so impressive! i seriously have no artistic talent to speak of so therefore easily impressed by such creativity!

  2. so you Charity! I love them!!! You are so creative!

  3. LOVE them! They are so stinkin cute. They remind me of your journal you decorated that I also loved. You could totally charge for those on etsy ;)


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