
Friday, May 20, 2011

To the Zoo We Went

Today we got the chance to join two of our Slovak friends at the zoo.

We were STOKED!  It was a nice, hot day and perfect for enjoying the plethora of animals.

The only drawback (for me) was the killer allergens.  I think I sneezed my head off...ughhh...

BUT I did get some great shots of the animals.  And we enjoyed hanging out with Stela and Martin.

Mama and baby.

One word...adorable.

Little piglet.

Meet Jason's brother, Monkey ;)

Lunch = a plate full of grass.

Stela and Martin.  And a dino.  This zoo also had a DinoPark.

He does a really good T-Rex impression :)

Good times!  Thanks, Stela and Martin!


  1. Ya know, I saw that pic of your friends with the Dino and my first thought was, "WHOA they let you get that close to the big animals in Slovakia?!?" And then..."Oh wait, that's a dinosaur. We don't have those anymore. It's fake." haha. But you know how it works when you see something different in another culture and you just automatically assume that's how they do things there all the time? Yea, that's what fueled that first thought. It took a second for the logic and common sense to come in, haha. Good pics! That lion's a beauty!

  2. Oh my gosh, Erin, I totally thought the same thing and then felt like such a dork. I wasn't going to admit it until I saw your comment :)

    I would loooove to go to the zoo. My boyfriend promised to take me once upon a time... now I'm hoping my husband will ;)

  3. So glad to have found your blog!!! Excited about your little girl! Love and miss you guys!
    The Bugnars

  4. so cool....these animals look like the ones Kenz is seeing firsthand in Africa.....btw...she said she hiked in volcano of 11 miles and the altitude made her not be able to breath (exercise induced asthma) she had to take 4 puffs...said she thought she was gonna die..yikes!! Keep praying for her..she loves it there....

    PS Saw you from afar on skype at the shower look beautiful!! I luv ya'll


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